Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Skip the Daily Stand-Up

I just got back in from vacation, and began catching up on my e-mail and reading. The Cranky Product Manager wrote a great post, describing why it’s not practical for the Product Manager to participate in every Agile meeting ever held! The Cranky Product Manager hit this one on the head – if we are in the building, who will figure out what to do next? In an Agile world, it’s easy for Product Managers to get sucked into the development cloud. To succeed, we have to be aware of that tendency, and fight it…or we will quickly lose touch with the market that we’re supposed to be serving!


Anonymous said...

Hey Stacey, Thanks for the Link. Alas, I moved my website in the meantime and the link no longer works. Would you mind updating it?

The blog is now at http://crankypm.com/

The specific post is at

Thank you muchly!
The Cranky Product Manager

Stacey Weber said...

I updated the link -- thanks for letting me know!


Dov Bigio said...

Hi Stacey,

Very interesting blog... I also responbile for a Product Management Blog, in Portugueses (http://gerentedeprodutos.blogspot.com/).

Can I translate some of your posts into portuguese, and publish them there?

Thank you!

Stacey Weber said...

Thanks for the kind words, dov bigio. Feel free to translate any posts you're interested in!
